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G. Love & Special Sauce and Keb' Mo' - 8/29/2014: Stubbs, Austin, TX  
Posted: 11 years ago by KindWeb Ed
G. Love & Special Sauce and Keb' Mo' - 8/29/2014:  Stubbs, Austin, TX
720 Viewed  - 0 Dug it

G. Love and Keb’ Mo’ came to Austin Friday night as part of their 10 night Mo’ Love tour and Austin couldn’t have been luckier to be one of the last stops.  Though warm and humid down town that didn’t keep the crowd from coming to listen to some great music last night.

Up first was Keb’ Mo’ backed by his band Stan Sargent on Bass, Kevin So on Keys and Casey Wasner on Skins.  In addition to songs like The Worst Is Yet To Come and I’m Gonna Be Your Man from his newly released album “BluesAmericana” Keb’ Mo’s set also included classics like Perpetual Blues and Gov’t Cheese.  A few songs before it was time to wrap his hour and a half set, G. Love came out on stage to give Keb’ Mo’s set a bit of his hip-hop flare.  It got hot in there!  Wrapping up the set with She Dance, Keb’ Mo’ delivered.

After what seemed like a short set break, probably because the lines for the bar were deep, G. Love took the stage dressed ready to sing his blues.  Flanked by the Special Sauce, Jeffrey Clemens on drums and Jim Prescott on the standup bass kicked it off with Come Up Man off their new album Sugar.  The audience, oscillating to the beat, soaked it all in.  A little way into the set, G. Love brought Keb’ Mo’ out on stage for a short collaboration on Dust My Blues.  Later there would be one more with Keb’ Mo’ while they played Good Life Together.

The highlight of the night for the Austin crowd was when local Blues favorite Gary Clark Jr. stopped by the show to sit in with G. Love.  The energy between them was infectious and the crowd really picked up on it.  Gary and G. Love looked like they have been playing together for years. Of course you couldn’t call it a G. Love concert without kicking it old school just a bit.  Friday Night, I-76 and Weekend Dance to name a few.

The show ended with the roar of the crown finally dulling to a lull and then to just the line of fans that stuck around to have G. Love sign their merch.  G. Love loaded up on the busses and headed off into the night onto Houston, headed to the House of Blues.