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If the Dead Tour in 2023, Billy Strings Should Sit in the Lead Seat  
Posted: 2 years ago by KindWeb Ed
If the Dead Tour in 2023, Billy Strings Should Sit in the Lead Seat
1,433 Viewed  - 1 Dug it
The special recipe of the Grateful Dead was that there were 5 (at times) members of the band with very different musical backgrounds. Jerry had a bluegrass background that came through in his guitar stylings. Currently, John Mayer and Bob Weir both possess the slow blues styling and they are lacking that bluegrass element. Putting Billy Strings in that seat would round out the band and possibly bring the tempo up a bit, being that much of bluegrass has an up-tempo.

The interweb forums are FILLED with heads that want the Dead to get lively again. The slowness is driving people away or they're falling asleep at the shows they do attend. The original members of the Dead are no spring chickens, but they need to go out on TOP. Going out in a overly slowed down, "going through the motions" way is just not how their legacy should go out. Bringing in Billy would allow them to get lively again. Get rid of the pop star and bring in Billy Strings!
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