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Thievery Corporation - 6/25/2010: The Congress Theater; Chicago, Ill  
Posted: 14 years ago by Didi Trout
Thievery Corporation - 6/25/2010:  The Congress Theater; Chicago, Ill
561 Viewed  - 0 Dug it

Bursting beats from the Congress theater in late June was the dynamic duo populating the band Thievery Corporatio. Livening up the Logan Square district of Chicago, a flare of universal elements was brought to the stage with this group whose live performances bring astounding theatrics. A passion for bringing epic instrumentals and fly movements in lyrical use, the band synchronized perfectly. To start the night off with a moving display of music was the band Telepath.  These acts both knew how to take breathes away and truly reach out to the crowd in a number of positive ways. The uniqueness, the way which the band incorporated multi-cultural music and how they seemed to spread topics in today's world into the music was a streaming sensation. Throughout the night, the place was bumping, right from the get go the crowd was moved.

The opening act plugged in the audience with creative yet diverse rifts of music brought about by the trio, Telepath. A spice of electro, indie, break beat and dub sounds all infused together. This band seems to have their own language of sound in the projection of their tunes. Hiking out crazy down tempo followed by uplifting melodies the crowd was introduced to a moving flow very early in the evening with this impressive kick off to the night. A drastic amount of emotion is infused into the music from the three performers onstage. The keys meshed with the smooth guitar topped by drum beats connected in far out rythme. This group was a plunge into a terrific display of music, as Telepath drifted offstage the excitement arose for Thievery to step out.

As the instruments were in line up on the stage the band shortly filled in the open space behind them. The energy from the start was stunning. The audience roared with a deafening applause that echoed the Congress Theater's circular dome ceiling. An emotion captivated you as the melodies lifted into the air. A powerful and elaborate presence by the many musicians who populated the stage made this act out of the ordinary. A fifteen member live band adds different sounds and a variety of genres wrapped into the music. Led by world famous Dj and production duo of Rob Garza and Eric Hilton. Both sauce up the music with their own talents and encourage the other members to give it all. A uniqueness in every song. Whether it be the drastic change with vocalists or the route where the music derived from. This band took to the stage and blew the audience into a never ending spiral of movement. Flowing through their performance it seemed to be an everlasting surprise as the material continued to be shared.

Originality glowed through the theater as the performance went on. The contact between the band and the attendee's was thriving. Vocalists emerged in the crowd walking back to the stage built up the energy. It was a shocking experience to have the talent emerge right from the crowd, it was like hearing the music from the heart of the audience.  Songs were played to get a dance party going. Some hits included in the set were, "Vampires" and "Sound the Alarm." Both reflect powerful views on openness within the music generated. The duration of their time on stage was spent in ultimate buildup and a massive encore. Bringing all the ladies in the audience that could fit up onto the stage to dance along for the conclusion. A humorous yet very communal way to keep the crowd on their feet till the very last beat.

As the curtains went down and the crowd despersed a flourished feeling lingered in the air. This astounding performance was one which is recommended highly for those who want to experience something different and diverse. The music has an offering to a variety of genres and can reach out to anyone favoring passion in their melodies. Rolling through Chicago, Thievery Corporation knew how to bring not only music but artistic talents to the way which they vividly share their melodic creations.   

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