Cazzy's Profile  
Cazzy User Since: 2/22/2008 10:42:56 AM

Cazzy-The Alien Bluez Dude

Cazzy is an alien guitarist... one of two surviving aliens from the now infamous UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Cazzy toured playing guitar with the late deaf drummer, Shawn Dale Barnett, who played and lived briefly with Alice in Chains' lead singer, Layne Staley. Cazzy is known for selling Jimi Hendrix's guitar strap from the 1969 Woodstock Festival at Sotheby's Rock and Roll memorabilia auction house in New York city. Cazzy had one of his songs included in the Horror film, "The Night Owl", which is part of an indie Horror DVD 4-pack called, "Wicked Intentions" available at Sam Goody,Renco,Circuit City, Best Buy, and Cazzy went to Orlando, Florida briefly to play music and network. Although he loved the many talented musicians he met in Florida, one day he actually came home to find his girlfriend dead on the toilet bowl from a heroin overdose...eyes still wide open.(She started with pills dear...) (Hence, the reason why some people say Cazzy is insane.) He is not insane. Just wary of some humans now. Some people have emailed Cazzy asking whether or not that is his late girlfriends' voice one hears on the track, "Zoomin' with a Dead Girl"...the answer is yes. Now when Cazzy first wrote the song, "Go Away", he played it for his late girlfriend on acoustic, since he had written it for her...these were the words she would tell him everyday...she was in constant pain. (She was run over by a guy in a pick-up truck as she was crossing the street going to a Christmas Play). Upon hearing the song on acoustic guitar, she broke down in tears. She never lived to hear the finished studio version. After that traumatic morning in Orlando, Cazzy headed back to New York to try and clear his head. He really hasn't played too much music, Just occasionally playing out at open mic's and at the occasional rave. However, if allowed to....He does play a mean guitar! Most of the time though, Cazzy-The Alien Blues Dude is a recluse...only coming out of the spaceship occasionally when called on to play some guitar by some DJ or the occasional club. He has played guitar with numerous DJ's...(Too many to mention) but.. to name a few...Psy-Trance/Techno DJ,DJ CKat.(Cheshire Kat)-NY,Deyo-Rapper/Producer-NY,DJ Cyber-Texas,...DJ Logic...DJ Logic is in the group "Yohimbe Brothers" with Vernon Reid of Living Colour.(Cult of Personality?) Actually, it was during this gig at Mountain Jam, NY, with DJ Logic, that Mike Gordon of "Phish" came up and told Cazzy he was "wailin". Cazzy is available to jam guitar at partiez/clubz,and with DJ's. Juzt hit him up here or send an email Cazzy has recently moved...From New York to Dallas, Texas...then to Atlanta, Georgia and now resides in Orlando, Florida.(For Now).

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